I am not sure if this is settings or a problem any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. My problem is that video playback on my pc seems to be choppy. It plays just like it always has but i have never been happy with the playback. It does it on dvd's and downloaded material. Just looks like kind of blury in some spots. Basically like low video quality. I have had this laptop for almost a year and everything seems to work fine i am just not satisfied with the play back quality. Thanks again, Jon
Thank you vey much for your reply, the graphics card is: Intel(R) 82852/82855 Gm/Gme I am running winXP It is a laptop (if this maters) 3 ghz processor and 500 mb ram Does this help any? If something is not good what can i do to upgrade it? Thanks again for your time, Jon
Hmm, shouldn't have any quality issues with that card as it is a fair card. So may be a settings issue. Could you perhaps post a picture of a video running? Might give us a clearer picture of what's going on. Open a DVD and when you want to take a screen shot of it, press "Prt Sc"(beside F12).