hi i cant find firmware for my dvd burner.i searched on google and i cant find the stupid thing.help please?thanks!
If this is an HP/Compaq pc here's the latest - link. But your drive is a cd writer/reader - dvd reader. Doesn't burn dvd's. Or were you looking for firmware on the LG Burner?
no i have an lg gsa-4163b but my friend has this lite-on burner.and he bought his computer already made so not custom.the company i think is compaq.so this will work on his thing?
i don't know tho.this firmware supposedly fixes the drive opening.but my friends problem is the burn speed.it takes him 15 minutes to burn cd at 48x
If he's using a version say 2 or more behind this one all updates will be included. Some may have been to update the media codes. The slow burning have them check and make sure all the drives are in DMA mode and not PIO mode. Here's a guide