hi everyone. looking for a way to prevent loss of quality when transferring from wma/windows media => ogg => mp3 any suggestions?
you are going to lose MAJOR quality by converting multiple times. Why do you have to convert the wma to off to mp3? Even by converting the wma directly to mp3 you will still lose quality, but it will not be as bad as converting to ogg in between. Use dBPowerAMP for converting...
If you can I would recommend converting the WMA file to WAVE first then converting the WAVE file to MP3 and OGG (like this: WMA => WAVE, then WAVE => MP3 and WAVE => OGG). I also would use [bold]dBpowerAMP (dMC)[/bold] to do this. ---LATER--- I now feel that you should encode to a lossless audio format (if your using dMC). I recommend using FLAC or APE. Use the lossless file like the WAV file. Encode to it then encode from it (to any lossy format(s)). Ced
Thanks one and all for your input. It is truly appreciated. In particular thanks again to CED for responding to my Personal Message. I just wanted to be able to create the best quality mp3's possible for my audio system in my car. I know there is unavoidable loss of quality but to my (limited) knowledge there is no other way that I can squeeze so much music onto a single cd that will play in my car, so I guess I'm stuck with mp3 format for now. I'm certainly going to look into dBpoweramp for my conversions from now on. Thanks everyone!
Yea if your source is a lossy file it would be wise not to convert (directly) to another lossy format. Lossless (or "No Quality Loss") formats maintain the quality of the source while offering (some) compression. The WAVE file would allow you to maintain the quality of your source aswell but wouldn't offer any compression. Thats why the WAVE (PCM-WAVE) format isn't consider to be lossless. There are also other resonse like rounding errors and things like that which are caused by the PCM technology itself. Anytime, Ced