No more need for dvdxcopy

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by larryjam, Mar 14, 2004.

  1. larryjam

    larryjam Member

    Mar 13, 2004
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    I wanted to share my joy with the board memebers. I have been using the simple mode of dvdxcopy to back-up several of my dvd's, I ran into a problem while trying to back-up Harry Potter - Philospher's Stone. I was receving an Encrypted Data Error. I posted a message on the xcopy forum at

    I kept reading the forum, hoping to learn. I was afraid I had a rf version, but from the forum I learned my version platinum did include the ripper.

    I downloaded dvdshrink, and read the guides, I downloaded DVDDecripter and read the quides, I downloaded ImgTool and read the quides.

    Today I back-up a dvd using these great free tools.

    I don't know if I will ever use dvdxcopy again.

    Keep up the good work members, this forum is a wonderful learning tool.

    I read about the software alternatives to xcopy
  2. viper6699

    viper6699 Guest

    lmao.............shrink and decrypter to the rescue again huh??????

    aint laughing at your probs BTW, just amuses me how many of use where blinded by dvdx products, only to find better freeware products available.

    welcome to fold larryjam........keep up the sucess

  3. gbc410

    gbc410 Guest

    can you guys explain how to use these three programs for example which program to use first and how to proceed from there. thanks
  4. leviticus

    leviticus Regular member

    Jan 25, 2004
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    Check the Guides section of AD.

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