no network m110

Discussion in 'Samsung discussion' started by johnniek, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. johnniek

    johnniek Member

    Jul 4, 2008
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    Hi Guys,

    Successfully unlocked my m110. SP lock and network lock are deactivated but with a AT+T sim (which it welcomes me to when i turn it on) i just get a 'no network' message on the screen. Ive tried to search for a network but the manual search doesn't seem to function and reverts to auto search each time. Tried rebooting the phone a few times and swapping sims. By the way Im in California if that makes any difference.

  2. 123unlock

    123unlock Guest

    can you check the imei number of your phone by tying in *#06#
    is the imei number all 00000000 ?

    please check this, and how did you unlocked your phone ?
  3. johnniek

    johnniek Member

    Jul 4, 2008
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    Thx for the reply,

    Checked the imei No and it looks good. Not all zeros. I cant check that it hasn't been changed because I dont have my paper work with me.
    I unlocked my phone from instuctions left on this forum. The thing that doesnt seem to be right is the fact that I cant manual search. It just does an auto search each time.

  4. salami1

    salami1 Guest

    did you unlock it using a code?

    Then you probably reset your calibration also and then it's possible your phone can't find network anymore.

    Just to be sure also check your band settings, maybe (if you are lucky) the reset code just changed band settings also and thus it can't find network.

    If this is not the case you are better to bring it to service point to have it fixed.

    With best regards,
  5. 123unlock

    123unlock Guest

    please also check your Bluetooth id by pressing *#232337#
    if BTID is not matching E2P imei then it cannot find network too

    that salami says is true.. most codes here on the forum are reset codes, sometimes they remove the lock, but also other things in the phone are resetted... in most cases imei and BTID gets corrupt in other cases the caldata gets resetted. with the result the phone will not work correct, or cannot find network..

    so your free to try those free codes but they all come with risks, better use an servicebox or online server, they will not kill phone, and you keep 100% waranty
  6. johnniek

    johnniek Member

    Jul 4, 2008
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    Thanks for info,

    The IMEI and BTID do not match, is the E2P IMEI No different from the IMEI?? If not then they are not even in the same format. If the phone is knacked then lesson learnt.
    How would I check the band settings and the E2P IMEI or is that a secret??

    Thanks for the help.

  7. salami1

    salami1 Guest


    Checking band settings is done like this:
    on your phone go to
    then 'connectivity'
    then 'Network'
    then 'Network Mode'

    Best is when it's set on automatic. But as you already wrote your bluetooth ID does not match your IMEI. Then that is the reason.

    E2P IMEI stands for Eeprom IMEI and that is just *#06# to see that IMEI.

    With best regards,

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