ok, I know this isnt a subject usually gone over in this forum but I have tryed to go to others and they wont let me post a thread because im new..... ya. Well I have adaware and 2 other spyware blockers (adaware is my primary) and they have always done great with pop ups, until recentlly I have been geting several from the same two companys, and I have heard to use mozzilla, but the thing is they pop up almost more when im not even on any kind of browser. I will finish up and walk away from my computer and come back and there will be 7 or 8 pop ups just siting on my desktop and I have no idea how to get rid of them, please help me!!!
have u checked in control panel > add remove programs to c if there's any programs in there that shouldn't be? Sometimes they manage to install as a program and run of ur computer as "just another program". Happened to me, control panel helped.
moved. You know you can start your own thread. With a better thread title. One that actually explains your problem (ya know it's a forum rule)
I'm sorry about the format and placment of my thread, I did not know about the rules and regulations, again I appologize.