Hi i recently posted a thread about my starview box being frozen and the reply i got was a great help as the chanels came back , but my problem now is i cant see any of them , out of 176 chanels i only have about 4 or 5 that i can view , i have cahnged the codes and tried everything that i have found on the web site but nothing has worked . Please can somebody help as i am looking forward to a great sporting weekend. AL6
Press MENU, then 1570. Go to last entry, Key EMU, and turn it ON. Exit back out all the way, and you should be good to go. Select a scrambled channel, such as sly sp*rts, and you should get the channel.
Hi I have tried that and no go , i have some music chanels and all the euro news chanels and nothing else , and the emu was switched on already. Any other ideas please. AL6 PS I AM IN DUBLIN if that makes a difference
Have you checked that your codes are correct. Please post them here so we can compare them. Also check that your scart lead is pushed in firmly.
Hi the codes i have for NTL in Dublin are as follows: oo/db-64-90-15-6e-be-27-76 01/e2-c9-74-0a-04-22-96-12 The scart lead is in all the way
I see they are the UK codes, here are the Irish ones. Line 00 = A9 86 6E EA 39 EA 09 49 Line 01 = 9E 40 85 78 E7 82 10 06
You are a f***ing genius thats bang on . have a great weekend. ps How do i find the irish codes on this site