Hey, I finally got the Evox boot disc to work and finally connected to my box jus a few secs ago, but there is this stupid problem. At the end of the Evox settings there is suppose to be some kind of save option, rite? I DONT HAVE IT! I have the lastest Evox. + when i connect to my box I can't use the internet at the same time. I'm using a M$ **hub**, is that y?
you can't save settings when booting evox from a cd you need to put evox on the hard drive in order to have that option
So I need to make the EvoX dashboard permenant and then it should work? What about the hub. Why cant I stay online at the same time. I have to keep changing my IP @ for the computer then. Thanxz~!
When I want to connect to my box i need to use my own ip @ and change it to>>>>the box ip @ is Then I cant use the internet. When I want to use it i have to go back and use defualt ip @ and then I cant connect to the box. So i have to go back in forth if i need to use the internet to look at a tut or download somthin for example. Is it because of the hub?
When you installed your second nic card, did you have to configure anything on the evox.ini or anything else?
I have a question, if you were to update your bios would you go about doing this: ftp to the xbox go to the c:/ drive and into the bios folder from the pc cut and paste the new bios over the old then under evox system utils select update bios. Is that how you would go to update your bios? p.s: i dont i have chip yet but im looking towards the new xenium ice or X3.