Hi there, i have a big problem, a 2 year old who is going thru the TERRIBLE 2'S stage and she got to my pc!!! I dont know what she did but now have no sound. in control panel>sounds & audio devices>volume says "no audio device". Device Manager > multimedia audio controller has a device status of "this device is not configured correctly (code1)" this driver is "unknown" to pc but i do have a "device instance id" which is all letters and numbers, will this help me? have done a google search and have downloaded some drivers to see if they might help but they all seem to be .dll files which i am unable to open. Device manager >sound vid and game controllers, audio codecs, legacy audio drivers, legacy video capture, media control device, standard game port, unimodem half duplex audio device, and video codecs all have a status as "this device is not working, start troubleshooter. this i did and have been in circles for hours, on top of all this i cannot locate my motherboard disk but would have the disk help?? is this a sound driver problem? is so what does that mean? any one out there who has any ideas?? as im all out of mine, am sorry but i dont no much about the internals of computer so laymans terms would be great. thanking you in advance for your help. Macey.
Update: Sound vid and game controllers, audio codecs, legacy audio drivers, legacy video capture, media control device, standard game port, unimodem half duplex audio device, and video codecs are now showing as working. But the multimedia audio controller still has a device status of "this device is not configured correctly (code1). Any info will be appreciated. Thanks .macey
the .dll files are in fact the drivers for the soundcard. to install them, you have to go through the "add hardware" feature in the control panel. let the wizard scan the computer, it will find the hardware and then ask you for the driver. the wizard will find the hardware (should find the hardware) and ask you for the appropriate driver. it will give you the options to automatically find the driver (which [bold]NEVER[/bold] works) or manually. click manually, and it will ask you for a speific location. (this is where you need the .dll files). In the Browse menu, select the directory where the .dll files is. if its the correct one for you soundcard, it should go on to install itself and work properly again. hope this helps.
what i did is add new hardware and select locate driver in d drive (your cdrom drive) and pop in your restore disc and it will install the drivers from the cd if u cant find them anywhere else