No sound in SOME streaming video

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by 1plus1, Feb 1, 2007.

  1. 1plus1

    1plus1 Guest


    I'm not sure that this area is where I'm supposed to be posting this topic, but here goes. I'm having a bit of a problem with my streaming videos. The problem exists in both firefox, and internet explorer, so I think it's related to a codec or something.

    The symptom is that SOME streaming videos don't have any audio. For example, at, when I try to view videos, some have audio, and some don't. When I right click on the video and select "properties", under the "audio codec" heading, videos with working audio all display:
    and the ones that don't work display:
    I've gone through my audio codecs and I can't seem to find any way to edit the settings for "mono 1-pass CBR".

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  2. KrAm27

    KrAm27 Member

    Jan 20, 2007
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    I'm no help to you, but I also have a similar problem. When streaming video I can only get audio from windows media player and none from sites that use Adobe player. Any ideas?
  3. NiteSongz

    NiteSongz Member

    May 17, 2007
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    You've probably solved this by now but for people who come here with the same problem, here is a working solution.

    Make this registry change and I'm pretty sure it will fix your problem. If it doesn't work, you can always change it back...but it WILL work.

    Go to the following registry folder:


    double click on 'Auto Insert" on the right side of the box.

    Change the Value from "1" to "0" and click OK.

    You should be set.
  4. chkm8

    chkm8 Member

    May 20, 2007
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    I am having the same exact issue. I am not very computer savvy, how do I get to the registry key folder to make this change? I am running Windows XP. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
  5. NiteSongz

    NiteSongz Member

    May 17, 2007
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    Click on "Start" on the lower left hand corner of your desktop.
    Then click on "Run". Type in the word "regedit" without the quotaion marks and then click "Ok". The registry editor will pop up.
    Click the + sign by "HK_LOCAL_MACHINE" and some folders will drop down. Then find the folder named "Software" and click on the + sign next to it. Once again, more folders will drop down...find the one that says "Microsoft" and click the + sign by that one. When those folders drop, find the one that says "Mediaplayer" and click the + sign next to that one. Then in the folders that drop from there, find the one that says "NodeCLSIDs" and click the + sign. Now in the folders that drop, find the folder that says "{95037DA1-6ED9-4B27-8CFF-9AD3DFB0B2F2}" and click on that folder so it is highlighted. After you click on that folder, look over to the right and you will see a file that says "AutoInsert". Double-click that file and a box will pop up. In that box, you will see where it says "Value data" with a "1" in the box under it. Change that "1" to a "0" as in zero. Then click "ok" and then you can just click the red X and close the registry editor and you are done. Sounds complicated but it only really takes a minute. I was having the same troubles and searched everywhere and found this solution on another forum and it worked perfectly for me. All my streaming videos I have played online now have sound everytime. Post a response and let me know if it worked for you, although I am positive it will.
  6. NiteSongz

    NiteSongz Member

    May 17, 2007
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    >>>Also, just to clarify, when you click on the + sign and the folders drop down...ONLY look for that next folder in just the ones that drop down. For example: After you click + next to HK_LOCAL_MACHINE...look for the "Software" folder ONLY in the ones that dropped down after you clicked + And then in ONLY the folders that dropped down from "Software" you would look for "Microsoft" And then ONLY in the folders that dropped down from "Microsoft" would you look for "Mediaplayer" and ONLY in the folders that drop from "Mediaplayer" would you look for the "NodeCLSIDs" and in the ones that drop from "NodeCLSIDs" you will see the "{95037DA1-6ED9-4B27-8CFF-9AD3DFB0B2F2}" folder that just needs to be clicked on so you can look over to the right and see "AutoInsert" that needs to be double-clicked.

    I just thought I'd explain that in case you may have not known what I meant exactly and got messed up. Like I said, it's not complicated and only took me less than 30 seconds.
  7. chkm8

    chkm8 Member

    May 20, 2007
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    Hey NiteSongz...thank you so much for the detailed instructions! Your fix worked perfectly!!! Not only does my streaming video now work (I was having issues getting sound from but all of the videos that I saved on my computer that didn't have audio now do! I couldn't be more appreciative. Thanks again. chkm8.
  8. NiteSongz

    NiteSongz Member

    May 17, 2007
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    That's awesome! It was no problem at all...glad I could help. :)
  9. celtboy

    celtboy Guest

    hi,i'm havin a shit load of probs with audio,check out a few of my last posts on the problem,basicly i have no sounds on some sites,i've got all the latest java,media players including real,vlc,etc. and i've got a codec pack for xp,and i've tried gettin firefox instead of i.e...but still no good.i've tried the solution that the other guys did and got no difference...please try to help as it's driving me up the f...... walls..!!


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