[bold] Be careful. I understand that you only have three chances. If you hard lock the phone by entering wrong codes, not even the original provider can unlock it by code. [/bold] These models cannot be unlocked as yet by this method. I believe some or all are ASIC 11 and our Calculators cannot generate codes. ASIC 11 is a new locking system. ASIC-11 is a new type of lock that we do not have information about. 1110i RM-93,1112,2310,2610 (1600b V 5.01 RH-65 01125700*******) The original service provider can provide a code to unlock them. Should be doable by cable+hardware. BB5, 6030 RM-225 (01105200) (01112200) ( 01111400) (01112500) Not doable by any means. Only the original service provider can provide a code to unlock them. JG