What kind of unlock codes do I need to use with a Nokia 3230? I doubt it is standard dct-4 as I think it is classed as being based on the Symbian OS. Any help would be appreciated!
So that list tells me it is DCT4 and: Nokia 3230 e900 1800/1900 Type 5 Using the unlock calculator I am using I must select one from: Asic 2 Asic 5 Asic 6 Asic 7 I presume the type 5 part on the list refers to using asic 5, am I right? Then I must choose from: GCTL-001 V1 V2 Griffin Old Griffin New Prodigy Original ONE Asic 6 T-Mobile Custom There's also the option of putting in a box serial, I don't know what that is. I'm not sure which of these to use as each one give different codes.
For reference I am using this calculator: http://unlock.nokiafree.org/download.php Works great for 6230 codes, it fills in all the blanks previously mentioned with a preset, but there isn't a preset for the 3230 yet.
ive posted in another forum to see if i get any respsone from them i also use that calc for unlocking its very good, can get a bit tricky if the box settings change though