Hi, Some how my phone memory for Nokia 3500c is blocked and I'm unable to change it since I've forgotten the code. Can you please tell the Mastercode/ and the procedure to unblock it. Model: Nokia 3500c IMIE: 357686011902926 Coutry of Buying: India Request to please send ASAP. Thanks
In India, the mobile are not bound/ locked with service provider. My mobile is free of service provider, any SIM works. The problem is in mobile's Phone Memory Security Code, which is independed of service provider here. Request if the Master code can be generated for this. Also what is PUC? Thanks
From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_Unblocking_Code A Personal Unblocking Code (PUC) or Personal Unblocking Key (PUK) is used in GSM mobile phones and some smartcards to unblock a blocked card. Most mobile telephones offer the feature of personal identification number (PIN) protection. After switching on the phone, the user, if the PIN security function is not switched off, is requested to enter a 4-8 digit PIN enabling the phone's non-emergency calling functions. If the wrong PIN is typed in more than three times, either the SIM card, the device or both become locked. They can be reverted to their original unlocked state by entering a PUC, provided by the service operator through verification. If the wrong PUC is entered ten times in a row, the device will become permanently blocked and unrecoverable, requiring a new SIM card. Cellular phone users are therefore advised by most providers to keep their PUC written down in a safe place separate from the device.