Nokia 6030 w/Cingular (Orange)

Discussion in 'Nokia - Unlocking' started by RalphW, Apr 17, 2006.

  1. RalphW

    RalphW Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Nokia 6030
    IMEI: 010712/00/322187/4
    locked to Cingular (Orange)
    SIM I have is Cingular (Blue - exAT&T)

    it's my roommates phone and he says he tried punching in codes like 50 times .... idiot didn't realize what the code what - thought it was the basic phone lock code. after entering a code it says 'cannot undo restriction'. guess it's time to find someone with a data/unlock cable....
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2006
  2. samguan

    samguan Guest

    yes, if you have tried more than 5 codes, the only way you can unlock it now is cable/clip. Every Nokia phone has a different code, so never punch in random codes.

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