For Cingular USA ONLY [bold] #pw+134094253222101+1# [/bold] Your code:Try this ONCE and ONCE only. Remember, you only get 3 to 5 tries. [bold]If you enter the same code two times[/bold], that is [bold]two tries.[/bold] To enter code: Make sure battery is charged. Remove SIM first. Power on. Ignore “Insert SIM” Press the # key. then press the "star" key (*) quickly to get the P and W and + Press * 3 times quickly for (p) \ Press * 4 times quickly for (w) IMPORTANT Press * 2 times quickly for (+) / and the rest of the code--- Begin with # and end with #. IMPORTANT!! Verify code before pressing the last #. Pay attention. You only have about two seconds. "Phone restrictions off", it's unlocked. "Error code" wrong code. STOP tell me. "Not allowed" or "Can Not Undo Restriction" it's hard locked. Used up all your free tries!! If it does not work, tell me: What happened? What message you got. What codes you tried. Above all, answer. JG
hi.. thanks for the reply.. tried the code.. checked it before the last #..."code error" message appears right after i pressed the last # thanks
Allow me to ask someone to have a look at this. You will notice that GreyWolf gave you the same code. You need answer that post. The phone could be already hardlocked before you got it. Did you get it new? If you got it new? what sim do you want to use in it? J
Your phone may already be unlocked! "code error" can show up when the phone is unlocked, but it can also mean that the phone is hard locked due to too many attempts... What network are you trying to use ? and what message appears when you insert another providers sim ?
HI.. joegons and spencer.. thank you both for your help.. this phone was bought new with cingular.. I am trying to use this overseas with another provider.. and I need to unlock this to use the sim from this network.. when i install the sim from this network it says no network coverage or something like that.. so I thought I could try my luck to unlock it..thanks
The phone is unlocked, otherwise it would ask for a restriction code as soon as you insert a foreign sim. The U.S.A. 6102 works on these frequencies GSM 850/1800/1900mhz Which suggests to me that the area you are in is using the 900mhz frequency. Check here to see what frequency the network you wish to use uses. Please take note, that even though the network you wish to use uses, say, 900 & 1800mhz it will depend what area you are in as to what frequency is being used!
thank you Spencer Fw.. that explains it...the frequency of the network here is 900 MHZ.. so I am out of luck !!! Thank you and thanks to Joe gons for your help.
Hi, can someone help me to unlock my nokia 6102i? imei: 354829/01/785441/9 I bought it in Usa, but cannot use in in Europe. Thanx!!! Greetz, Lot