nokia 6230 blocked

Discussion in 'Nokia - Unlocking' started by rcantor, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. rcantor

    rcantor Member

    May 29, 2007
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    Make/model phone: nokia/6230
    IMEI #: 353372003040280
    Original Country, where the phone works ok: Colombia, Service provider: Comcel

    Thanks in advance
  2. JoeGons

    JoeGons Active member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    Your code:Try this ONCE and ONCE only.
    Remember,you only get 3 to 5 tries.
    If you enter the same code two times,
    that is two tries.
    To enter code:
    Make sure battery is charged.
    Put in a SIM from a new Network.
    Power on.
    Select UNDO with NEW SIM in phone.
    Press the # key.
    then press the "star" key (*)
    quickly to get the P and W and +

    Press * 3 times quickly for (p) \
    Press * 4 times quickly for (w) IMPORTANT
    Press * 2 times quickly for (+) /
    and the rest of the code---
    Begin with # and end with #.
    No spaces.
    Select OK

    Verify code before pressing the last #.
    Pay attention. You only have about two seconds.

    "Phone restrictions off", it's unlocked.
    "Error code" wrong code. STOP tell me.
    "Not allowed" or "Can Not Undo Restriction"
    it is hard locked.
    Used up all your free tries!!

    If it does not work, tell me: What happened?
    What message you got.
    What codes you tried.
    Above all, answer.
  3. rcantor

    rcantor Member

    May 29, 2007
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    Hi there,

    Finally it works..., the message was "Phone restrictions off" but when I turned on it still ask about a security code, I changed sim card and works ok.

    The question now is how can I get the phone number of the new sim card?

    Thank you...
  4. JoeGons

    JoeGons Active member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    Where did you get this phone?
    Where did you get the new sim?
  5. rcantor

    rcantor Member

    May 29, 2007
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    It's my old phone, the sim card is a new one that operator gave to me by change of the phone.
  6. JoeGons

    JoeGons Active member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    The Operator will give you the phone number.
    The Security code is what you put into the phone.

    Security code (5 to 10 digits)
    The security code protects your phone against unauthorised use. The pre-set code is 12345. Change
    the code, and keep the new code secret and in a safe place separate from your phone. To change the
    code, and to set the phone to request the code, see Security settings on page 111.
    If you key in an incorrect security code five times in succession, the phone ignores further entries of
    the code. Wait for 5 minutes and key in the code again.

    Security settings
    Note: When security features that restrict calls are in use (call barring, closed user group and fixed
    dialling), calls may be possible to certain emergency numbers in some networks (e.g. 112, 911 or other
    official emergency numbers).
    Press Menu, and select Settings and Security settings. Select
    • PIN code request to set the phone to ask for your PIN code every time the phone is switched on.
    Some SIM cards do not allow the PIN code request to be turned off.
    • Call barring service (network service) to restrict incoming calls to and outgoing calls from your
    phone. A barring password is required.
    • Fixed dialling to restrict your outgoing calls and text messages to selected phone numbers if this
    function is supported by your SIM card. The PIN2 code is required.
    When the fixed dialling is on, (E)GPRS connections are not possible except while sending text
    messages over a (E)GPRS connection. In this case, the recipient’s phone number and the message
    centre number have to be included on the fixed dialling list.
    • Closed user group. Closed user group is a network service that specifies the group of people whom
    you can call and who can call you. For more information contact your network operator or service
    • Security level. Select Phone and the phone will ask for the security code whenever a new SIM card is
    inserted into the phone.
    Select Memory and the phone will ask for the security code when the SIM card’s memory is selected
    and you want to change the memory in use (see Selecting settings for contacts on page 83) or copy
    from one memory to another (Copying contacts on page 91).
    • Access codes to change the security code, PIN code, PIN2 code or barring password. Codes can only
    include numbers from 0 to 9.

    Last edited: Nov 6, 2007

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