Hi Guys, only just signed up so any help is great. just recently uploaded a new sportster image onto my Nokia Dbox 2 which was successful as now i can scan and have over 100 channels. However prior to the new upload i was able to manipulate the order in which the channels were set and also delete unwanted channels. I ahve now lost this facility. I understand that i could be missing the following files bouquet.xml & Service.xml. What i want to know is why i have lost these files and how i can restore these files. regards,
They were probably overwritten by the new image and service scan. You should have backed them up first. You can't get them back.
You should be able to find a new bouquet for your area seomewhere abouts. Wouldn't worry about Services.xml though, a new one will have been created by the scan. Alternatively, you could make your own bouquet from within the sportster options. Bit more time consuming but at least you'll get the channels in the order YOU want them.
You can try looking for one from this file. http://rapidshare.com/files/13065312/all_Service_files.rar