Hi ,I purchased 2 Nokia dbox2 from germany,one worked perfect,but other one is just pain..when I scaned both dbox one of them coudnt find sky movies and sky sports but picture was ok.i scand every avaible format and tryed all U codes,but no luck. I used Comando 6 ,Sportster 1.7,Pacino and TX-UK images but still cant find those channels. .Now worst then before,it freeze all the channels.. when i checked my two dboxes signal readings SNR 55000 SIG 45000,Only different is BER reading.Working ones BER 90 ,Faulty one BER 26412... I even tried Digital signal booster from argos ,still same...I dont know what else left..Last image on the box i had Sportster 1.7 + UK05_2x Can anyone help me on this...Thank you
I had all channels before part from Skymovies and Skysports and picture was okey.after changing image few time now this channels keep freezing. Even i put same image what other box had,still not showing sky movies and picture freezes.if this any help