nokia dbox2 pls help

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by NewbiLoz, Dec 25, 2009.

  1. NewbiLoz

    NewbiLoz Member

    Dec 25, 2009
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    pls can anyone help me? {bigdunc you really seem to no your stuff can you help}? i've had my nokia d box 2 with the neutrino image for about 6 wks it was working perfectly until about a wk ago i have no channels at all now i asked the friend who i'd bought it from to ask her mum if she could sort it for me as she also has one and i haven't a clue where to start! she told me that it can't be sorted until the middle of next yr! is she right? if not could you be so kind as to give me some help in getting it working again pls? my email is thanks for your time in reading this. loz
  2. bigdunc

    bigdunc Regular member

    May 9, 2007
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    I see from Your user profile, you are in Leeds Yorkshire.
    Unfortunatly there is nothing you can do for the time being.
    Mabe in a few months,there may be idears and plans put into place to
    Work with Nag3 ,Rarther than crack it ...............Paul

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