Hi everyone Im a newbie on here and recently i was advised that probably the best box i should invest in is the nokia dbox2, Can anyone advice me where the best place to get one is (ok i just keep getting outbid all the time on ebay from all the sellers from Germany..lol). This has all come about as my current dreambox model dm500-c seems to password locked by the dude who supplied it to me and hey yep i can never get hold of him. HEEELP !!! As i said im a complete newbie at this stuff so any advice is much appreciated. Thanks alps
Hi blueice14.. There are many threads within this forum that can answer all your questions and more.. Just have a read through..
Thanks Benifa I'll keep searching. Any idea on what i can do to help m out with the other box i have for nexttime it blows ? Sorry to be a pain im just trying to now become self reliant as oppsed to wearing out my finger on the redial buton trying to get hold of somnone whose probably leftthe country !! lol
not sure if this applies to the dreambox, but on the dbox if you ftp to the following folder /var/tuxbox/config/ look in the file neutrino.conf look for a section arentallock_pincode= this will hold the PIN number. worth a try - you may have to look around to find a similair file on the Dreambox
Thanks Zappa mate - I think i'll give these instructions to my mate when he comes round 2moro - this all a bit too much for me to handle (shall stick to just making tea i think...lol) Any chance you can advise me where i can pick up a decent dbox2 from ? oh yes ones that definately been debugged lol thanks in advance to any replies
Yeah im waiting fo a reply back but it seems like in the end im gonna have to fork out about £150ish for it like it or not !! oh well thats the price for fame i guess !! wish someone would run a 1day course on these things hahahaaa