Well i decided i am going to go with DS hacking instead of PS2.. (I am not a total noob, i have been hacking psp since December 05)Anyways, i need a legit site to get the newest Chip..I think the R4 Package is good (with the memory card reader and all that jazz) I also need a legit site (hopefully same site) to buy a couple of 2 GIG Kingstons Micro SD.. And can someone tell me what R4 can do? Or is M3 Is better?? Really appreciate it.
The M3 and the R4 are the same exact product but the only difference is the name, the chip inisde, game compatability, and homebrew compatability, and firmware The M3 and teh R4 were made in the same factory, dif. name, and some dif. pieces wered added to both so the perfomence good be enhanced. As for the game, homebrew, and SD Chip compatbility you can check Scorpei's website on both flashcarts here: R4: http://wiki.scorpei.com/index.php/R4_compatibility_list M3 DS Simply: http://wiki.scorpei.com/index.php/M3_DS_Simply_compatibility_list (CAN'T PUT IN LINK, PASTE TO ADDRESS BAR) The firmware is different in both products and its all depends on compatability. The are similarities is like how they run games are the exact same. If u buy one of the two and u would like to change it to the other one here is a website telling you how to do it: http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?p=358849 My Opinion: I currently have an M3 DS Simply with a 2G SD card (MAX) and so far its working fine but if u want a browser, the best so far is the DSOrganize 3.1129, everything else either needs a router or a cable from DS to Computer (DSHobro 0.3) or isn't very good (Okiwi) The DSHobro is SO MUCH BETTER then the orginal NDS Browser. DSHobro 0.3 main website: http://costello.dev-fr.org/Tag-2934-dshobro-1.html DS Hobro Download & instructions: http://gbatemp.net/index.php?download=969 My DSHobro 0.3 instructions: I don't have a router but i think this is the way u do it from my expierence: Router: 1. Download and unzip 2. run server.exe 3. enable outside reach (or whatever) 4. set port to 9000 5. place dsHobro 0.3 in root of card 6. go to Wifi hotspot & Run DSHobro 0.3 7. If at home (fast reception) press A, if away from home and router is on (slower reception) press B 8. if done correctly DShobro0.3 should Run NDS USB Transfer cable (unknown if works): Same steps (cannot do away from home)
I've heard that only one of the two can play GBA roms. Is that true? I don't think any were listed for either one on the wiki sites posted above.
if it is a slot 2 device then it can play gba roms. slot 1 devices can only play nds games and homebrew games/apps. slot 2 are the only devices that will only be able to play gba roms.