Hey! New here and spent some time reading about DS carts. I'm looking for something that'll just let me play Nintendo DS roms very well. There are quite a few different products, and I read many reviews, but I don't want one that's frustrating to use, or works crappy. Help please! So far I'm thinking of buying this. I think this is the cheapest I can buy it for: http://www.volumerate.com/details.vr/sku.2911 I have the original DS, NOT the lite. Will that cart work? Does anyone have any problems playing nintendo DS roms on it? At first I was considering buying the M3, but then I realized it's more expensive because of it's other features. I'm just looking for something to play DS roms so that I can sell my collection of physical games. Perhaps someone knows of a better deal for me? Because I really don't need other features. or a cheaper site to order from. The site above does offer free shipping though. Lastly, will this card work with it? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820134597 So will those 2 items be the only purchases I'll need to make to get this thing working? Maybe someone could re-direct me to a useful guide since so far I have only seen guides for the r4ds and M3? Thank you all so much and I love AfterDawn forums~
Sorry wont let me edit last post. Would I be better off buying this? http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.2728 It's a little more expensive, but says it can also play GBA,NES, and SNES roms. Is it easy to put these roms and emulators on and play them on the Nintendo DS?