The only program that can normalize mp3's when making an audio cd without converting to a wave file first is feurio. It does a great job of doing this job. you can get it at . and go here to see how to make an audio cd in feurio. htt://
dbecker: There are several lossless MP3 normalization tools around. I think MP3Gain is very recommended and it should/could be used for eliminating clipping as well.
agreed mp3 gain works well, but when you are making an audio cd, in feurio, all you do is drop your songs in the project and then the adjustment to the mp3's just match up to those songs you want to put on that audio cd and you never affect the mp3.
I had just come to this forum to ask this same question...well, not for burning CDs, but for listening through WinAmp. For some reason, most of my Classical music has a much much lower volume than almost everything else in my collection. I'm going to try MP3 Gain tonight! Love these forums!
Be aware iklimon that too loud volumes give you clipping to the sound, distortion. Enable the maximizing features of MP3 Gain in the settings, and keep on eye on the clipping warnings.
Just how accurate is EAC normalizing? I'm skeptical beacuse sometimes I will normalize at (ex.)98% and when I re-analyze it peek is like 96%