I ripped the audio track off one of my DVDs and want to play it on my normal cd player in my car. I used DVD Decrypter (with Demux activated), and the file is only 434 mb. It is AC3. When I go to burn to cd, it will only burn as data file. I have tried 3 different programs to burn and they all say the same thing...Not all files are audio. How do I take out the ones that are not audio. Incidently, this file plays great on Windows Media Player and with Nero Showtime.
I have used this free program... http://www.aoamedia.com/audioextractor.htm to remove the audio from a DVD without ripping.Put the DVD into your drive,then use the program to pull out the audio from the DVD's VOB file.When you are loading the VOB file,you will need to click on the "file type" pull down to "show all files" to see the VOB files.I hope I'm clear enough.Good Luck.
Well, I downloaded the program. The main movie, which is the track I want, is VTS_05. There are 4 VOB files in that section. I had aoa extract the audio. When I went to burn it onto cd, it said the same thing..."all files are not audio". Every section of the VTS has multiple VOBs. Some of the ones I extracted were director's comments, and not all of the main movie was there. I must be missing something. This seems like it should be very simple with aoa. Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Well, I don't know.I guess you pulled the audio out as a wav file.You could pull it out as a mp3 and then convert it to wav or let your burning program convert it.That's all I can think of.Good luck.