I just started to make cds and to the forums ,and I do not know much,so I am sorry if I ask any questions that are simple or already answered. I was burning a cd(more like 10),and not all the songs were being recorded onto the cd. If I'm correct,I think it was because of the cd I was trying to put the songs on. I used sony CD-R audio I think I messed up badly. If I am wrong,can you guys point out any other mistakes I might have possibly made? Also,the files that I was trying to recood on the cd were MP3.
If you are making an "Audio CD", to be played on any CD player, you have to keep track of the amount of minutes that are going on the CD. Most CD's are 700Mb's & will hold 80 minutes of music. If you are making a "Data CD" & putting mp3's on it, to be played on an mp3 compatible player, you have to keep track of the amount of Mb's you are putting on it. For example: with a 700Mb CD you are able to put 70 songs on it if they are each 10Mb files or 140 songs if they are 5Mb files. So you probably were trying to put to much onto the CD & that is why it didn't burn all of them. What program were you using to burn these CD's?
My cds had 80 minutes of time on them by the way ,and I didn't even use that much time up. Windows Media Player And if I'm correct,Magix mp3 maker 10 Crappy programs,yet they shouldn't be doing this to my music. Sorry for the slow response. It took me a while to remember this site.
Have you tried using a proper burning sorftware, just for the record? Maybe give the Nero Demo a whirl? Chris