i am trying to burn a 720MB .avi file using Nero Vision 4 (from Nero-7, which came with my DVD-burner.) its 1hr 40mins long and the DVD's are 120min i have successfully burnt 2 data DVD's, and one DVD of 4 smaller .avi's but i cant seem to be able to do this one!!!! after transcoding the file (which takes AGES) it tells me there is not enough space on the disc and to 'insert new media'. i have tried to burn it fast (16x/20x) and slow (8x), i have tried transcoding and saving it to the HDD then trying to burn it (but it went thru the transcoding process again so i cancelled it). Ive also tried 1-Pass and 2-Pass but i keep getting the same result. Please help! i have read thru the forum and no other threads seemed to help.
Try this Open NeroVision...select More....Video Options....DVD Video and then set up as below Transcoding and burning should take around 2hours (for a 2 hour movie)
@gwendolin: i tried that. those are the settings i originally tried to do it with. i also tried changing to 'standard-quality'. i will try again, but dont think it will work. any other idea's
use ConvertXToDVD.......... VSO is offering a big discount now for Afterdawn members: http://www.afterdawn.com/news/archive/10231.cfm