I was backing up Family Guy the other day and made two doughnuts. I get all the menues and episodes 1-3 but when I hit play on the episode menu for 4-6 no dice. I'm using XCopy and have had no trouble with Futurama or Simpsons. By the by I'm new to all this dorkery (just built this rig as a matter of fact) and I must say that of all the forums I have been to this is the most organized, helpful, and just plain nice. It's good to see that there are so many good folks out there.
Hi Brian, I don't recall DVD XCopy as being one for episodes. Since you wish to have your menus work, I'd like to recommend nero's recode 2 as an excellent program for Newbies. Here is a 30-day free trial - A 30-day, free, fully functional Nero 6 download can be had here: http://www.nero.com/us/631939541422774.php Nero recode 2 Guide: http://www.ahead.de/en/632072089716059.html cheers, and Welcome to the Club, Pete
Hey there Brian, I haven't used XCopy for some time but I do know that it can be very tempermental with certain titles. Here is a link to our XCopy forum where you might find more info about why that title won't work: http://dvdxcopy.afterdawn.com/ If you are interested in something new and very good you should look at DVD Shrink. It handles episode discs quite well and most here will agree that it is far superior to XCopy. Plus it's free! Here is an excellent guide for it to give you an idea of what it can do: http://www.chrismccann.co.uk/dvd_shrink_3.htm Thank you for the kind words about our site and feel free to ask away if you need more help