i dont know if this idea will be shot down,but i was reading a computer mag recently and came across little news tidbits that were informative and sometimes funny.so i thought it would be a good idea to start a thread about news/mag articles that were entertaining and off the beaten path of the news articles that are already on AD.so if this idea holds up,maybe some interesting and fun stuff can be kicked around.and try to get brief articles that get to the point. well heres one of the articles i came across:
im pissing in jars right now.if this idea takes off ill have a huge stock pile waiting to make a fortune.
This was on a recent weirdo news update... Computer chips that store music could soon be built into a woman's breast implants. One boob could hold an MP3 player and the other, the person's whole music collection. BT futurology, who have developed the idea, say it could be available within 15 years. BT Laboratories' analyst Ian Pearson said flexible plastic electronics would sit inside the breast. A signal would be relayed to headphones, while the device would be controlled by Bluetooth using a panel on the wrist. According to The Sun he said: "It is now very hard for me to think of breast implants as just decorative. If a woman has something implanted permanently, it might as well do something useful." The sensors around the body linked through the electrical impulses in the chips may also be able to warn wearers about heart murmurs, blood pressure increases, diabetes and breast cancer.
one major problem with the breast implants..how do you change the batteries.if they developed a battery that can play mp3s for more than a month,forget about the implants.you just discovered a longer lasting battery that is more significant than some titty walkman.besides i dont have man tits so i dont think that would be much use to me.
thats something that belongs on a porn site.some women pissing on her tits...oh yes,i do believe ive seen that before. anyway,let me share another article before this thread gets too contraversial. sorry about the awful scan.im an amateur at scanning stuff.
that article was a joykill.i got another article.and it kinda connects with the pee power article in that singapore somehow is interested in using or mimicing the human body in technology.maybe dr. frankenstein is hiding out there?
technology is getting close to what we see in sci-fi movies like the matrix ,strange days,minority report,etc... there is technology that connects wires to nerve endings in amputies that allowS them to control their prosthetic arms with their thoughts.although their is alot of limitations to what their prosthetic arms can do it is a start to cyborg technology.there are also computer chips that are implanted into people that has all their personal identification information on it to help identify people in case of an accident or crime.it started out as a way to identify lost pets.but the trend now seems to be going the other way.instead of putting technology into humans the humans are goig into the technology.THERE WILL BE...A WAR BETWEEN HUMANS AND MACHINES!...MAWA HAHAHA!
the way technologies going now in another 50 years we will sit in bed with a computer hooked up to us that keeps up in virtual reality for ever and we wont need to do anything kinda like the matrix.as for the matrix ive always wondered if that is true.who knows.might be a paranoid drug addict that wrote the script.
Yeah...I actually "heard" about this about 11 years ago. Do you all remember the show, "Tales From the Crypt" There was one episode that a reporter was trying out to figure out some mysterious deaths and disappearances. Well to make a long story short, one of the female characters in it mentions a generator that if you pee in it, it would produce electricity. If I can find the ep. I will tell you which one it was. Catch you later! ------------------------UPDATE--------------------------------------- Ok, so I did some searching and found the episode about it. It is Episode 310 and titled, "Mournin' Mess" Check out the script if you can find it and you will be able to see where they talk about it.
Wow. After I drink a few pints, I'm up and to the bathroom like every 15 minutes. I should be able to power a small village.
with electric car technology advancing,imagine asking someone to piss in your car.explaining that you are low on money and you dont have to piss at that moment.homeless people would be at every street light drinking a big jug of water charging people for top offs.people would be following their dogs around the yard with a jar waitng for them to go and try to catch it in the jar.and no doubt the gangs are gonna get in the action.."you got my sh*t",,"no,but i got some piss".
[bold]Speeders to be handed chocolates[/bold] By Sue Smith Oct 25, 2005 Speeding motorists in the Wyre Forest district are to be given chocolate and balloons instead of fixed penalty tickets as part of a recruitment campaign for the Special Constabulary. The move to give speeders sweeteners instead of fines is designed to highlight the contribution of the volunteer police officers. They will be handing out the balloons and chocolate as part of a road safety campaign on Saturday. It follows a recent police initiative which saw lollipops being handed out to late-night revellers in Kidderminster to highlight the dangers of anti-social behaviour caused by alcohol. this story came from the uk.what do the british do if you commit murder?..throw a parade?lol.