I have burned countless DVDs in the past with my current DVD drive. I posted on another thread about a recent problem I had with buffer underrun protection. I solved that problem but my discs are still getting far into a movie and then stopping, pausing and cutting out. I checked that my DMA was set and I can't understand what else it could be. Any ideas?
What's your burn speed? what media do you use? EDIT: LOL...... beaten to the punch....again....LOL who said great minds think and post alike?
Using Philips DVD +R. Burning at 4x and not sure what my firmware is. I generally burn through Decrypter. AnyDVD+DVDShrink and burn with Decrypt. My DVD burner is an Aopen. I recently formatted the harddrive and took out my slave and another CD-RW drive. That cut down the time it was taking me to ready a movie and to burn it.
you can check here to see if you need a firmware update http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_all.php when you put a phillips blank dvd in decrypter what does the Disc Manufacturer say, see pic i suspect the media you are using may be the problem
Thanks for the advice. I switched media and did do two good burns. I still have yet to see if there is a firmware update but I know it at least is not my burner. The responses I have gotten to this post bring a couple new questions to mind though and I hope can get answers for. 1) When I use the old media sometimes I get a good burn and sometimes I do not. Any thoughts on that? 2) What version of Decrypter are you using in that picture? I have and when I put in the DVD it doesn't tell me who the manufacturer is. I am currently trying to use one of the old media again. This time though I slowed the burn speed down to 2.4x to see if that will help. I hate to get rid of about 75 DVD's if I can help it...lol.