had everything today.came home from pub tonight and all black screens.so nothing wrong with cables or anything
sorry lads.have it back.thanks for your help.its on the last fix now again.have a problem now again.downloaded 1.12 .says its shortcut and box doesnt see it when i tried to put it on.what have i to do please?
I have the beta 1.10 verison on and it causes me no problems and works perfect.If your having problems with the new one try the 1.10,you will find it in eamos library.Im in Galway and works grand Torres9
Im using 1.10 and its picking up all the channels and new espn ones.only channel not workin is lfctv but thats been down for afew days and hopefuly be back soon
the sv4usb v1.12 is for irl and uk for the power problem as boxes are dying=no fix ,check first for heatsink under vents if you see it then it is a clone,so only use on originals only.
Hi cactikid,what do mean by the boxes having power problems?Iv the 1.10 version on and im in galway and is working perfect so im woundering should i put the new verison on?Mine is working fine so should i just leave it because iv no problem with it thanks torres9
tomorrow your box might be dead your choice,it was released by starview as an urgent update as 1.10 ,and beta seemed to affect boxes,a lot of people turn off their boxes at back/on then dead,original boxes only. check for heatsink under vents=clone
Hi cactikid,ive took your advice and put the 1.12version on and seems to be working fine.I didnt know there was a problem so thanks for heads up thanks for help bud
After putting 1.12 firmware on im missing adult channel and playboy is there any way of getting them back