NOTICE: Info About New ILO Firmware Updates

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by Gtrman, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. Gtrman

    Gtrman Regular member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    Please note that the new firmware updates for the ILO R04 and HD04 are system only updates. If you have not updated to the most recent fimeware before this release, you should first update with the previous release to gain the benefits of the included drive update. Here is the most recent updates:

    DVDR04: WMEA1097.E20 or WMEA1097.E30 (4x or 8x drive)
    DVDRHD04: WMJA1193.D21 (do not confuse with the newest update WMJA1193.DS3)

    By updating first with the above firmware files, you will gain any fixes and added compatibility for the installed DVD drive. You do not need to use the hacked version for the first update since it will be overwritten by the newest version. Just apply the hacked version of the newest firmware.

    New Firmware Files:
    DVDR04: WMEA1098.ES4
    DVDRHD04: WMJA1193.DS3
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2005
  2. bythec

    bythec Member

    Mar 11, 2005
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    This appears to be the best thread for my question (Gtrman - please ignore a similar email that I sent to you via email).
    I purchased my DVDRHD04 two weeks ago and I have had very good success. I updated with the adjusted versions of 1193RevA and RevB without problems. I have not experienced the green tint difficulty. Other than some improvements I would like to see, the system falls short in two of its advertised capabilites:
    -I cannot copy JPGs or MP3s to the HDD as suggested in the guide.
    -I cannot play audio CD/CDRs (JPG/MP3 data disks will play).

    My question is in regard to the hack instructions. I understand the logic in selecting "Restore" prior to inserting the update CD but I'm uncertain as to the purpose of the "Restore" after the update has been successfully installed; e.g. I followed the full procedure when I installed the 1193RevB and I was concerned that I might have removed something that 1193RevA had done. Not that I noticed anything specific other than I had to rescan for channels and redo my VCR+ channel mapping.

    Otherwise I'm very happy with the DVDRHD04, the forums are useful and Gtrman's support is great.
  3. Gtrman

    Gtrman Regular member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    The Restore function is just a recorder reset. It does not reset or return the firmware to an earlier version or mess with any hardware settings. It just does what you saw. It will default the channel listings, timer settings, clear memory and stuff like that. It is just a way to freshen the recorder if it seems to be acting funny.

    As to the firmware, when a firmware update is done, it is not adding or subtracting from what there, it is erasing and replacing it. The only way something could be removed from the previous version is if the firmware programmers took it out. All they should be doing it modifying what's there with a problem fix. Someone described it really well. The firmware is like a glass of water. You're not adding more water to the glass, you're emptying the glass and refilling it.

    I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, let me know.
  4. bythec

    bythec Member

    Mar 11, 2005
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    iLO Help informed me by email today that the audio CD problem would be rectified in the next firmware release. They anticipate this to occur in 2 to 3 weeks (end-Mar to mid-April).
  5. starrgate

    starrgate Guest

    Just wanted to say thanks to Gtrman. I have been reading these threads for a while, the Ilo HDD unit seemed to fit my bill in what I wanted to do. Searched my local wall-mart but they never had any in stock, only the reg non HD version. Did not want to order online. Then I came across one in another walmart I was going through. Once I got the unit home I noticed it was a return. (Former owner did not even erase what they had recorded, at least it was safe.)
    I figured I still had a 90 day return on my purchase, so I figured I would give it a try.
    I loaded your pacth and gave it a go. All seems to work ok so far. No green tint or problems with + r disk. Did notice however that one of my mp3 cd's only showed 1st folder. I'm guessing it was the way I created the disk, eventhough it plays all the songs on my other DVD player & CD Radio ok.
    So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the unit holds up. It had a Oct build date. Same as your's I think.
    Time will tell.
    Keep up the good work.
  6. fnbond

    fnbond Guest

    I'm home bound, and down to my last couple blank cd's. can I put both:
    1193 RevA MV/LP Hacked
    Filename: WMJA1193.D21

    NEW!1193 RevB MV/LP Hacked
    Filename: WMJA1193.DS3

    on the same cd and select which one to install once it is in the ILO recorder?

    Also, I could be SOS (stuck on stupid), but can't remember seeing a problem I'm having, that my ilo hd04 will not play my dvd+r (BeAll 4x)I recorded on pc ( NEC ND-3520)
    it is set to record in dvd-rom mode.

    these blanks will not format on my ilo, they start then lock drive, when i check them with nero info tool it say's 0 space left on disk can not open, not finalized. I have chalked it up as the beall disk and ILO can't play well together.

    Thanks everyone online, for us who never get to leave our homes, you are a blessing, thank you.
    F'ng Bonn
    A.K.A. fnbond

  7. odd1

    odd1 Member

    Mar 15, 2005
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    i have an ilo dvdr04 and have been using a cd-rw to do my updates. that way i don't waste a cd every time for just a little file. they work fine for me.
  8. Gtrman

    Gtrman Regular member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    You CAN NOT put 2 files on the same disc. The ILO will not recognized the update that way. I would suggest what ODD1 said and use a CD-RW and just erase it between each update.

    Also BIG NEWS!!!

    The new HD04 update is on my site. 1094. Fixes green tint and audio CD issues. Remember, if you haven't updated to at least 1193RevA, do so before 1194.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2005

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