Novice Android Kodi

Discussion in 'Android TV boxes (Kodi, XBMC, etc)' started by Leodis, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. Leodis

    Leodis Newbie

    Dec 13, 2015
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    I've used my Android box for several months. I love learning how it works. I am a novice but enjoy the challenge. My questions are
    1 How do you fix Failed to Play? Just installed we are king and it's not working.

    2 When asked to download link and save it I don't know how to do this.

    I'm really glad I've finally found this site. I hope you can help.
  2. piopat

    piopat Active member

    Mar 11, 2008
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    hi i just saw your post here . is we are king an android app ? (for tv ) or is it a kodi addon ? . sorry its just if i know the app / addon in question i might be able to advise better .

    if you are trying to play a tv channel or video of some sort and it says FAILED TO PLAY that usually means that for some reason the box cant open the channel . every iptv channel because its coming from the internet has an internet address (url) its not unlike say a phone number on a phone . you enter the number in your phone and it connects to the other phone . well iptv works in a sort of similar way , an app/addon in your box has a url in it that links to a channel or video , as long as the url doesnt change the app / addon can connect to the channel or video , but if the channel or video has a new url and your box only has the old url the two cant connect . its the same for example if you had a persons phone number that you used to call them , but one day they change their number , now the number you have wont let you connect to that persons phone . so to put it simply the people that own the iptv channel or video change the url (periodically ) , so if your app has the old url and not the new url and you play a channel or video it will fail to play .

    popular apps and addons are usually updated by their makers , so if they get the new url they will add it to their app/ addon and then it should work again when you try it .

    another reason a channel or video may not play is if the box isnt connecting to the internet . very slow internet or a poor wifi signal can cause such a problem .so check your box is connected to the internet (try other apps and addons ) if they work ok your box has internet . but where ever possible i would say not to use wifi as you always lose a lot of broadband speed , i would say connect the box direct to the router using an ethernet cable or some sort of home plug devices .

    what link are you attempting to download ? sorry , the more info you post the more chance we will understand and be able to help you .
  3. holnect

    holnect Member

    Jun 8, 2007
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  4. holnect

    holnect Member

    Jun 8, 2007
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    andriod app (t.v)

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