well NTFS has better file security and supports larger disk partitions compared to Fat 32, however i believe NTFS becomes more fragmented.
Hi, I think NTFS runs a lot more efficiently than FAT32. For me its performed better, your free space won't be limited to xyzGB (like FAT32) instead, it will be limited by the size of the entire hard drive,its also meant to be a more secure file system, so from me its NTFS. If you haven't already, convert! How to Convert FAT Disks to NTFS http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/convertfat.mspx
thanks 4 the input. rav009, seems i would have to convert rather than reformat(can't find my op system disk). my HD is partitioned into 3 seperate drives. i might be running the risk of sounding like a goof here, but...do they all have 2 be converted to work corectly? remember if i screw up @ all im toast w/o a windows disc. lol
phantom69, noticed u made CREAKY's gif. that thing is sweet! sorry, off topic, but sweet none the less!
rav009, soo what do u think? should i go for it or not? maybe i'll wait 4 the new op sys? @ LEAST I'LL HAVE THE DISC. i know i'll never get the old one back!(think safety!) playing it by ear.
Read the warnings about converting to NTFS from the Microsoft site. It's actually better to start new. I know, you posted you don't have the disk...but the warnings are there so you know what you're getting into.
Before you convert, understand that NTFS is NOT necessarily more secure - it's probably less. At least you can't hide data streams in FAT32, but trojan and DRM writers love NTFS' Alternate Data Streams. ADS aren't so dangerous if you know what to look for and if you do manual malware checks, but not all anti-virus or anti-spyware software checks them. NTFS' file permissions - which is what some people think makes NTFS more secure than FAT32 - are helpful IF you run as a lower-level user, but if you do what most people do and run around as admin then they don't do much. Also, since modern malware which tends to run at higher privilege levels anyway, even running as a lower-level user is largely moot. The main real benefit of NTFS is > 4 Gb files. But apart from that, I wouldn't switch, or maybe I'd convert only one partition, preferably one without Windows. I've had fewer problems with FAT32 than NTFS, and FAT32 is nice if you dual-boot with Linux or older Windows. However, if you do feel the need to convert, go into DOS and issue the command: convert E: /fs:ntfs /x /v Where E: is the drive letter of the partition you want to convert. You can convert any partition without needing your system disk.
the only real advantage of ntfs is having a file over 4gig say for a movie to be copied onto dvd disk. anytime i load xp i usually format the hd for fat32 so that if a problem i can access the drive off a win9x bootdisk.
thats kinda what prompted me to post the question in the first place. movies, which i keep on a diff partition. is there a benefit or drawback to converting that individual partition? it's non windows.
Not really. I know this has been touched on but not really spelled out - whatever partition you are going to convert, if it's convenient, it's better to reformat as NTFS rather than convert, simply because a fresh format will essentially "defrag" the drive and make it a clean slate. Of course, if you've got a lot of stuff on that partition already and don't want to deal with moving it off and then back, then just use the "convert" command I mentioned previously. Once you convert to NTFS, you can't convert back unless you reformat as FAT32.
If you are about to convert from FAT32 to NTFS and have more than 1 hard drive its better to convert all to NTFS because I heared there is a bit of a mess for the system when converting 1 HD to NTFS & leaving other as FAT32 e.g. having C drive as NTFS & D or E as FAT32 Good Luck & for me I would go for NTFS.
I have never had even an ounce of trouble with single or multiple drives; all but one partition are FAT32 and the one is NTFS.
yo yo, u guys are freakin scarin me now! HA,HA,HA! if u read my post from the start....i don't have an XP disc 2 fix anything i fcku up. so please be a little careful w/ur advise not that i would ever get pissed off @ anyone just trying to help out,not gonna happen. but i just want 2 be positve before i do it. ur input is SOLID! and i appreciate all of it! SERIOUSLY! but i have a gut feelin, i should just wait till i get a new op sys disc. i'll be back. :-{I
Converting to NTFS is no big deal at all, especially if you are converting a partition that isn't where your OS resides. It's safer than running defrag. Crap, even if the power quit in the middle of a conversion, you wouldn't wreck Windows, though you might lose some data on the partition you are converting. It's ok to go with your instincts but don't worry yourself too much.