i was just wondering if someone can tell me if my ntl box is any good to me any more. i recently had to move back into the family home and took my ntl box from my old place with me. my mother is with ntl and has a digital box herself in the sitting room so i said i'd use my one in the other room. all was working grand up to last Friday when i turned on the box the channel came on and then when off again with a message coming up saying.."the set up is now being finalised,this can take a few minutes.thereafter,you will be able to enjoyupc digital tv" none of the channels will come back on now. now i know i'm using it in the different address but i'm almost sure that we paid the bill up to the 9th of feb. anyway i'm just wonder is there any way of getting the channels back working again or have ntl somehow turned the box off? its very handy to have the digital channels in another room without having to pay them extra for themultiroom
ok thanks. just wanted to make sure before i rang them. the bill was paid up till the 9th but what are the chances of getting any of that back....