Hi everybody, I have a NTL Pace to sell, if some body is interested please contact me to conilla24@hotmail.com, price to be agreed.
goddam.. for a minute I was thinking you was trying to sell Dublin.. give you €250 for a city ona small island like that... if you want offers XD probably better trying the sellings and wants sections all the way few clicks down or up. +1 post to me.. and an Irishman who can either take a leg pull or be a misery for the rest of his days.. I don't think he will take that one.. sounds like a good fella to me.. please mods find so nowhere better for this so our nice friend can sell his stuff without mad taffs like me stirring it ps...BUMP!!
I'll give at least 500 euro for Dublin! By the way, you want to get rid of your email address from your post!