i am trying 2 convert a avi file which it is 29fps to dvd format but at Pal 25fps, i have tryed The FilmMachine and AVI2DVD and both make the video jerky and the sound really low and drawn out. i have converted many videos shot at 23fps to 25fps with both programs above with no proplem! is it that it is not possable to convert 29fps to 25fps?
Try DVD Flick. Is is free and works great for me. http://beginwithsoftware.com/videoguides/dvd-flick-guide.html Avidemux works very good for me at convertyng between Pal/NTSC.
ok thanks, another thing i have just started using the Cinema Craft Encoder SP and i normaly use the HCenc one could this be the problem because i just converted a 23fps video to 25fps using the film factory and that came out jerky
Sorry, can't help you with that, never used them. Maybe another member can advise you about CCE/HCenc.
that;s ok, i;m actually thinking that maby it is my pc not playing the dvd propperly, i;m trying 2 play a dvd from my hard drive using BlazeDVD Pro, all the videos seem to be jearky, but when i burn them to dvd they work fine on my dvd player. :S