Hi. Im playing the old game Phantasmagoria on a Windows XP computer. While playing (on 5th disc) an error occurs with NTVDM and I'am unable to finish that chapter. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Well I've run your error through every search engine I can find, and tried re-wording it 6 different times for google. There seems to be a few different people with this problem (either that or you've gone from forum to forum posting this question). NTVDM stands for New Technology Virtual DOS Machine, which is the post 2000 version of the original VDM (ergo, built on NT Technology). There is a chance, just to shoot in the dark, that your game may not work with the NTVDM and that it is looking for the old DOS. Though, admitedly, that wouldn't explain why got through disks 1-4, unless disk 5 is formated in such a way that it demands the old VDM (for example it searches for FAT32). If that IS the case, it wouldn't hurt you to try programs like DOSBox, which tries its best to emulate the original DOS and all of its commands. You can download that here: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=4381 One quote from the discriptoin of DOSBox that caught my eye and made me download it about 6 months ago was this: If DOSBox doesn't help you, I guess you could always get a really crappy tower off of one of your friends (or eBay) and throw windows 98 on there. That will play every DOS-Based game known to man.
Yeah, i noticed alot of people posting the same question as me though this is the first time I have asked the question myself, apart from placing it in the wrong thread first off. Your the first to actually give me a nice clean answer. Thanks, I'll give it a shot. Chris