Hi guys n galls.I recently updated my Nero package, to Nero Reload which included NVE 3. However after several attempts and wasting several dvd's NVE 3 just doesnt seem to be working. It either freezes/hangs half way through recording a file onto dvd,which works when watching a preview,or it freezes right at the beginning or end of the burning process,much to my annoyance. I have left the program running over night and 15 hours 46 minutes later the project has still not been completed. When i have used the Nero Tool it states that my system ASPI is corrupted, a problem that up until recently worked fine,as i was able to burn projects using another program. please can some one help me,im getting frustrated and havent a clue how to fix the corrupted file and/or nero/NVE without spending £!!! I downloaded a Patcher for NVE 3 from the Nero site, yesterday infact, hoping this might resolve the problem but to no avail!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help me Damsel in Distress :-(