Hey all sorry if i,ve put this on the wrong forum but can anyone help me on this weird problem i have. My pc is a HP t881.uk P4 560 3.6 mhz twin sata &160gig each asus 818 dvd rom and nvidia 6600 256 meg graphics directx 9.0c soz not sure of motherboard Everytime i try and load Splinter cell Pandora 2moro it fails with the following warning message no non power of two render support detected I have no idea what this means i have all the latest drivers for both graphics card/ and game patches it plays perfectly on my pld advent pc with fx5700 le card in anyone any ideas ??? Thnx for any replies & assistance
did you check the game site faq to see if there is a reference to your card & maybe a compatibility problem
i used to have the same problem. i resolved it buy replacing my crappy 1.7 gig celeron with a 2.4 P4.
no sadly not its only 3 weeks old so want to watch the warranty for a few months yet till i start changing stuff over i,ll prolly get ati x800 soon anyways just wondered what the hell was wrong with it
Hi there I have the same pc and had the exact same problem . There is a patch on the ubisoft webpage its called script multiplayer v1.3 i thought it would be no good on my pc as it was a multi player patch but it worked 100% if you go to http://www.ubireg.com/uk/ then click on patches under the techincal support header top right its number18 in the list, it clears the no non script render junk out lol Good luck with the game its a tough one but great fun Regards AndyG p.s let me know it worked ok pls