Hi everybody, Someone recommended to me that I might be able to find the following songs from their movies on Frostwire. Is this correct? I have a few questions regarding some very rare songs from a few movies and I'm hoping that someone can help me out. In return, I can record songs from The Heavenly Kid for for you if anyone is looking for that soundtrack as I was as I finally managed to find someone who had it. The songs that I'm looking for are extremely rare they are: 1. Flying - Stephanie Mills ("Dream To Believe") 2. Heart's Voice - Stephanie Mills ("Dream To Believe") 3. The first time - Lynn Davis ("Dream To Believe") 4. Some guys - Lydia Taylor Band ("Dream To Believe") Many of these artists are obscure or singers that I've never heard of before but I love their music.) 5 . This boy's on a roll - Robert Gordan (From the movie "Oxford Blues" starring Rob Lowe.) 6. Stowaway - Mark Ryder (Also from "Oxford Blues") 7. Rock and roll days/nights - Jim Wootten (From the made for T.V. movie "Can You Feel Me Dancing" starring Justine Bateman) 8. Smooth Mover - Diana Dewitt And Michael Hannah (Also from "Can You Feel Me Dancing") 9. Let's Keep What We've Got - Marilyn Mccoo ("The Parent Trap II") 10. Songs from the movie "Double Switch" * If anyone can get these songs onto mp3 and send them to my e-mail or put them onto a cd I'd be most appreciative as I'm so desperate I've been trying to find these songs for so long now. Or even if someone out there has the recording equipment to record these songs from the movie or something that would really mean so much to me. I'm a major 80s fan which you would've picked up going by my list as all of these movies/songs are from the 80s so any 80s fans out there that can help me send me an e-mail when you can. If anyone can help me please e-mail me: removed Kindest Regards, Ellie from Australia.
hi, can't help you with any of the songs however i've had to remove your email address, against forum rules i'm afraid
hi elle from australia, sorry cant help you with those exact songs but have found these songs by the artist at the top of your list which you can download: PM me and i'll send you where to go
Thank you for that but they're not the songs I'm after the songs I'm after are from various movies (see my list) however, they were never released any of these songs so, nor was a soundtrack ever made for any of these movies (I love the songs from these movies) if someone can help me get these songs I'd be very appreciative. Thank you kindly and kind regards, Ellie
Yes, I have the movies except because, I'm hopeless with all this technical stuff I wouldn't know how to actually rip the songs from these movies myself (these movies are mentioned in my list) so I'm hoping that if anyone knows anything about this stuff and how to do this for me I'd very much appreciate the help. Thanks, Ellie
try looking at IMTOO dvd audio ripper.All you have to do is put your disc in the drive ,open the program and rip the audio out into either an mp3 or wav
Ok, thanks. I will check it out but I don't think I'll know how to use it like I said I'm bad with technical things. Maybe you can help me or someone? (how to use it) is it free? Does anyone have cool edit pro by any chance? (recording program) Cheers, Ellie