I am a novice to the world of DVD writers etc., but not to Computers. To make a long story short, about 3 weeks ago I tried to play a dvd on my nearly 4 year old HP computer, for the first time since I owned it. I couldn't. After a couple weeks a "fooling around" looking for new drivers, software etc. I decided that the hp300c drive had to be bad. I bought a Samsung sh202g drive which came packaged with a Nero 7 Essentials OEM suite. I can now "play" dvds -- so the drive was bad. Since my long term goal is to scan 50 plus years of family photos and place them on a data dvd, I want to use the recording software. I have installed Nero 7 Essentials and upon looking around on the initial screen I found the "setup" button and learned that virtually all of the programs on the OEM cd-rom had updates available. I tried to update via the "setup" screen which I now believe has not yet been implemented (it appears to be planned for December) by Nero. One aspect of the attempt(s) has been that My computer crashed during the process and just stopped running the program. After cold booting -- I went to the Nero support site and learned of the 3 cleaner programs -- I ran them and think everything is O.K. While on the Nero site (in the faq's) one suggestion was that if all else failed that a user could d/l the current verion of Nero 7 from the website. I have not done so because I did not find an "Essentials" version and I fear that my OEM serial # will not work on on/in the download. I have left a "support email" with Nero without a response (admitedly, it has only been a couple days). While surfing for some help I found this Site and thought one of you might be able to give me some help/insight. Should I play with Nero without attempting to update? Can I d/l and use my OEM ser.#, to get the same level of component use the CD distribution holds forth. (I assume that "Premium" is a suite with more bells and whisles than the OEM version.) Thanks.
It used to be the case that Nero supplied only one update for all versions of their product and that the program updated intelligently based on what version (OEM, Ultra) you had. I assume that's still the case. Anywho, Nero is available in trial version for 30 days in any case. If you download the current version and insert your OEM serial number when prompted, I think you should be OK. Otherwise Nero will inform you otherwise.
Laddyboy, Thank you, I will give it a try. This is a pretty neat service, my thanks to those responsible for AfterDawn.