odd question about led's

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by hawk2196, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. hawk2196

    hawk2196 Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    ok, heres the deal,im working on making a custom computer case for myself,nothing too special, just my first try. so my idea was to cut out a chunk of the side panel to make a window. now comes the more complicated part. i know alot of people with Plexiglas sides on there computers have cold cathode lights to show off, my idea is simaler but very different. i want to have a strobing effect using 2 circuits of led's. one circuit would be normal leds and the other would flash,pulse,strobe or what ever term you would like to use....and heres my problem. i have no idea how to make the led's pulse. every tutorial ive seen/ tried to use has been of no help. so if anyone could please try to help me out
  2. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Here is a transistor circuit:


    Here is one that uses a 555 timer circuit.(My favorite)


    Not as hard as it looks, parts are available at Radio Shack.
    Get yourself one of those prototyping boards so you can plug the parts into it and play around with it. Once you get it running you will need to get a PCB and solder it all together. 5VDC from your power supply should be perfect for powering it. You should be able to build the flasher circuit for less than $10.00. LEDs will be the most expensive part.

    They do sell flashing LEDs. Radio Shack may even have a LED flasher kit. They used to sell those.

    If you have no basic electronic skills then get yourself a book at Radio Shack. This stuff is fun to do and educational, lol

  3. hawk2196

    hawk2196 Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    thanks alot for your help, and i know they make flashing led's but that makes it too easy and not as well a tech friendly awnser

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