This is the 2nd time it happened: Outlook Express 6 lost about 6 months of mails from the sent items folder. Any change to retrieve them anywhere? (System restore did not help.) OS is Win XP home.
Maybe Good luck!
Thank you! Soft Perfect File Recovery found some bak. files that seem to be the ones (I guess from the size of them). Tried to recover them back to the same maintanance folder of OE. CANNOT! "Write to the folder is not possibile" or smthng. Tried to untick the box in properties of that folder from "read only" - NO LUCK. It comes itself back to read only. Untick, and back to read only. Untick and back. Untick and... NOT possibile. As it was impossibile to recover them to the most locations of the computer. Found finally a place where it WAS possibile. Put them there. BUT: Now they are bak. files. Not dbx. files as they originaaly are in OE.
Put the recovered sent items.bak on a c:. Renamed it to be .dbx. Moved it to the maintenance folder. Voilá! ALL SENT ITEMS LOST! Not just the last 5 months as was the original problem. EVERY mail gone from this folder!
If you move a file with the same name it will overwrite [replace -erase] the file. to remove read only use
Well, naturally I assumed that if I replace the 757MB sent items -file with the recovered 1,5 GB sent items file, I get back the losta 5 months of mailing. I found "dbx backup" that seems to work for this problem. But let's see if I can get that working. Until now; no luck. Next question is; which e-mail program is the one which has all the capabilities of OE PLUS GREATER CAPABILITY TO STORE MAILS? 1,5 GT for me IS NOT ENOUGH!!! This OE seems to be the purest concentration of a male bovine animal, as seem to be a great part of products of MS.
Sorry I dont use any mail programs myself. Post it and I am sure u will find some. Yea MS sucks. I will never go to Vista. Xp or Lunix forever. MAC maybe?