manoman. I have read the guides and tried the tools. What evil sadistic sob came up w/ OGM? ya, it's fine for watching but ifya wanna burn? phhhhht I have been computing since 1989. I am no master hacker or code writing ubergeek but I am no dummy either. I have battled viruses, trojans, spyware, malware, and found driver setups for obscure hardware. I wrote a whole menu driven interface in BATCH files before there was windows. But I can honestly say that I have never been so frustrated in my whole life. Sry just venting here but I don't get why anyone would encode video into something so bloody complicated and buggy. masochists. grrr. Who wants to download 8 different programs just to do all the conversions, splitting/multiplexing, blah, blah, blah.....??? The "standalone" programs are buggy jokes and you have to be friggin einstein get all the different encoders and bitrates and ratios and output streams and yadda yadda yadda. So mebbe I am a dummy. Or just impatient. i don't care to devote the time and energy equivalent to a phd in particle physics so i can burn a dvd. thx fer listening (twitch twitch) I'll be ok now.