OGM filenames

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by n8an, Jun 6, 2004.

  1. n8an

    n8an Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    Hi, I downloaded a collection of .ogm files (A Soprano's Series, as my DVDs were scratched) and I had a lot of trouble playing them. Anyway, after trying to change the filenames etc. I found the Direct Show Ogg Vorbis Filter online and installed it.

    Now (...and this is where it gets more complex!), I have 2 files (episodes) which play fine, which I managed to rename as .avi files, they are both recognised as 'Video Clip' files by Windows. If I right click either of them and check their properties they are named as 'Sopranos...ogm.avi'.

    The others do not play at all. I get the 'windows cannot open this file' message. They are recognised as Ogg Files. When I try to rename them as avi files so that I can play them, it has no effect. In their properties, they always have .ogm as the last three letters even if I try to change them. Is their anyway of changing their 'file type' (from 'OGG File' to 'Video Clip') so that windows can see them as avi's like the other 2?

    Any help would be much apprciated.
  2. shiroh

    shiroh Guest

    that is not the right way to do it, OGM and avi both a container, they have different headers, the right way is to use virtualdubmod, load the ogm select direct stream copy and save as avi.

    it doesn't hurt to save it as ogm.

    about the scratched dvd,try loading it up on a dvd rom, and if it doesn't play right try ripping them, and if that didn't turn out good, (can't copy) try hex editor.

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