i have these ogm videos with 2 audios (jap and english) and a subtitle. i got all the required codecs and i can play it fine. but i have 60 of them, having a total of 11 GB of videos. this would fit into 3 dvd5s. i hate to waste dvd-r. [bold]is there a way to extract the video and the english audio only?[/bold] each file is about 250 MB. if the jap audio and the subtitles are removed, then the file should become smaller, so that i won't have to waste dvd-r. i'm not planning to make a dvd, i'm just going to burn them on a dvd. *i tried TMPGEnc to convert the video and the english audio into mpeg. the audio is fine, but the video is not. the video freezes at the same excact point everytime.
I do not have an answer, but I also have a similar problem. I have two AVI files that according to the author are Ogg Media Streams. They play with Windows Media Player and VLC. I am trying to use Tmpgenc to encode them to VCD compliant files so I can burn them. Tmpgenc will start the encoding, but it stops early in the process and never completes. I would like to know what I need to do to convert this file to a VCD file. Thanks for your help.
the audio on mine continues to encode, but the video stops. after encoding, i could watch the first minute then the video would stop, but the audio still continues.
Download VirtualDubMod Open video file, once it loaded go to Video and select Direct Stream Copy.Then go to Streams tab and select Stream list.Now you should see the audio streams, select he jap or extra audio u don't want and select disable.Select audio you want a right-click and make sure Direct stream is selected.All thats left is File save as and if its avi save as avi ect.... Direct Stream will not re-encode the vid so it won't degrade quality. p.s you can also disable subs
i did try virtualdubmod, it didn't work, but i didn't make sure that the audio was in direct stream copy so i'll try that next.
Can someone help me? I tried to do what is listed above with virtualdubmod, and it gives me video, but no audio. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.