Oh my god, South Park mocks Irwin

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by ireland, Oct 28, 2006.

  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Oh my god, South Park mocks Irwin

    The creators of South Park have never been afraid to upset celebrities - and many of the show's viewers.

    From jokes about religion and homosexuality to four-letter tirades, Trey Parker and Matt Stone have always mixed shock tactics with satire in the hit cartoon series.

    But they were accused of hitting a new low last night after lampooning the demise of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin just weeks after his death.

    The latest episode shows an animated Irwin in Hell with a stingray poking out of his bleeding chest.

    Irwin, 44, died in September after he was impaled by a stingray's barb, while snorkelling near the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

    The South Park episode called Hell On Earth 2006, which was broadcast in the US this week, shows Satan preparing to host a Hallowe'en fancy dress party.

    Hundreds of dead celebrities are invited, including rapper Notorious B.I.G., Princess Diana and Hitler.

    But at the party Satan receives complaints from his guests that someone is inappropriately dressed up as Irwin.

    Satan confronts Irwin but the Aussie environmentalist protests it is really him, not a guest in a costume.

    While characters have been killed off in the series before – spawning the show's catchphrase "Oh my god, they killed Kenny!" – campaigners are particularly incensed about the stingray still being attached to Irwin's bloodstained trademark khaki shirt.

    British broadcasting watchdog Mediawatch condemned the episode as "grossly insensitive."

    Its director, John Beyer, said: "I think this is in bad taste. Steve Irwin's family are still grieving."

    "To lampoon somebody's death like that is unacceptable and so soon after the event is grossly insensitive. It is not what the family would want to see."

    South Park maker Comedy Central defended the episode. A spokesman said: "It has offended people in the past and probably will again. Regular watchers would not be shocked."
  2. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    I salute southpark. People need to learn to laugh at themselves and not take things so seriously. It was sad that Irwin died, but we can't be mad at someone for trying to get a laugh about it to make people happy.
  3. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    I watched that episode, the Biggie smalls bits had me laughing my balls off, but that part disguisted me...
  4. pepsimaxx

    pepsimaxx Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    yeah, agreed. Was sad when Irwin died. Shocking actually. Even how annoying he was, still so shocking. But south park is one of my favourite shows. I have to say, i never saw that episode. But look at how offensive they are to other celebs, with the big Robot Barbra Streisand( i think it was her or Rosie O'Donnell ) and stuff.. so really. Just my opinon..if it makes sense.
  5. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    I saw that show last night..... Biggie Smalls, Biggie smalls, Biggie Smalls. They need to lighten up its SOUTHPARK, they had lots of people that were dead in that Episode. Just because Steve Irwin died a couple months ago they have to bring up that article. Some people say its "too early"....So you mean that after a certain period of time they can mock him?
  6. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    Personally I can't stand South Park. Some of the "kids" at work go on about it and well at the risk of upsetting people ( which I do not wish to do, to each there own) I think that its humour for 12yr olds, some of it is in very poor taste! I do not think that its anything to do with being taken seriously I think its about having standards, there are after all somethings better not said.
  7. Markman29

    Markman29 Regular member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    i saw that episode last night, i thought it was pretty funny.
  8. LexZ

    LexZ Guest

    its like a 1 minute joke and its not insulting him its just a joke why does anyone care?? do u think steve irwin is going to be mad???? i dont think so
  9. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I have never watched "South Park." I saw the excerpt and it was funny. And if you make your living in the public's eye, you're fair game on just about anything. Any topic has the potential to offend someone somewhere. This "political correctness $hit" has got to end! JM2C
  10. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    south park rocks!
  11. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    I do not think its about about being p/c its about respect and taste. I wonder how his family feel about him being mocked etc.I think that there are enough bad influences on kids of today. There was a time when people took certain things seriously and in those days there was nothing like the crime/violence etc that there is now. There was even honour amogst thieves etc and if someone commited a crime that was "unapproved of" steps were taken.
  12. LexZ

    LexZ Guest

    well whats worse him being poked fun of in south park or after his death people showing the clip of him putting his baby near the croc what is less tasteful?
  13. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    Thats a completely different argument! He (Steve Irwin) has already spoken about that in great length and whats more it was HIS responsibilty & he was in control, it was all HIS decision! Having the preverbila **** taken out of you after passing away is somewhat different, but to each there own.
  14. LexZ

    LexZ Guest

    well it was not like they wer offending him it was just a little joke how come no one was offended about biggie smalls they made him into a horrifying murdering ghost? or when they made fun of 9/11 was anyone offended those seem worse than a 30 second gag bit
  15. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    How do we know that no-one was offended by those other things? I would have though especially with 9/11 it was best to leave well alone, it ain't really a laughing matter.
  16. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    The show intentionally separates people that can laugh at the hypocriticalness of others against those who I can only guess doesnt understand because they are the ones being laughed at. I believe the 9/11 episode had a lot to do with showing that true patriotism doesnt mean putting a new shiny ribbon on your SUV.


    Steve Irwin? Halloween is the time of year when people use their costumes to offend. I mean last year I was at a party and a guy was in a wheelchair dressed as Superman and it was right after Christopher Reeves death. Tasteless? Yes. Funny? Yes, but only looked at in the context of why is any one person better than others just because they might be famous. The cartoon was making fun of the people who have bad taste and do those things, using the most recent example. It couldve been anybody, but Steve Irwins death no matter how tragic, was in the news most recently so he was used to proove a point. And finally, after being a fan for 10+ seasons, I can say the shows point is really to show you how to do the right thing by watching others do the wrong thing.
  17. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    Hmmmm................I will have to bounce that around with the "kids" tomorrow, it will be interesting to hear there replies!
  18. ashroy01

    ashroy01 Regular member

    Dec 23, 2004
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  19. janedoe22

    janedoe22 Member

    Oct 23, 2006
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    I didn't get a chance to see that episode, and I know they mock everything imaginable on that show but I think with Steve Irwin they went a little too far...his death is still recent and probably still painful for a lot of people...btw, I'm new to the forums..my name is Jane. I'm a student and I work with Xbox so forum seems like a good place for me...

    I can't believe South park would do that though, I'll have to check out that episode to see how how they approached it...
  20. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Just click on the link in the message above yours to see the clip!

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