Ok...I just want to back-up my DVD's...guides confuse me

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by AlphaMoth, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. AlphaMoth

    AlphaMoth Guest

    Ok...I just want to back-up my DVD's...

    My burner is Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-109, if anyone needs that info..

    Ok, so basically all these guides confuse me..I just want the my backups the same quality as my DVD's...

    I can buy the programs, so someone just give me the best programs to do the stuff. And what DVD type should I buy.. + or - R?

    A guide would be nice too how to use them^_^ just give me the best please...I feel so stupid.
  2. AlphaMoth

    AlphaMoth Guest

    where is the edit button?:S on the front of the driver it says [RW] DVD+ReWritable

    if that info is needed:S
  3. tennisboy

    tennisboy Guest

    ok, no need to be buying anything all you have to do is download dvdfab hd decrypter to back it up. you can use dvd-r or dvd+r as long as its supported. get back to me!!!
  4. AlphaMoth

    AlphaMoth Guest

    Ok....is that the best for this?? after ive backed them up do I just use nero to burn them??

    and please tell me whats better + or - and how do i know if my burner supports it?:S

  5. tennisboy

    tennisboy Guest

    ok first i recomend getting dvdfab hd decryptor then i use convertxtodvd to burn the files and i burn on dvd-r.
  6. AlphaMoth

    AlphaMoth Guest

    Ok, so I hope this is the best way...I'll follow this for now^_~ If there are guides for better please do tell. dankeschön
  7. tennisboy

    tennisboy Guest

    it is the best way i no of and its what i do so .. yeah
  8. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    if you are willing and able to buy the programs, you can't find a better combination than clone dvd and anydvd. You can get them here for $69US. For ease of use and quality I don't think there is a better combination.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2007
  9. tennisboy

    tennisboy Guest

    yes of course but i mean mine work fine and there free
  10. AlphaMoth

    AlphaMoth Guest

    Ok, cool....ill get those.

    for now, on dvdfab, do i use dvd5 or dvd9??
  11. res2cue

    res2cue Guest


    yes half of your sugestion is free, and they work fine, but Alpha stated he could buy them and considering the fact that he is very new to this, why not try to keep it as simple as possible to get started? Once the feet get wet, Alpha could experiment with those "free" programs. I do not know one person who has ever regretted spending the money on the slysoft programs, even if they have now began using the free ones. and for your information, convertXtoDVD is not free it is $40US
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2007
  12. tennisboy

    tennisboy Guest

    yeah the way i get it it is and i just dont want him to waste all of that money.
  13. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    so we are talking piracy? Buying a legit program that can make things very easy for you to get started backing up is not "wasting money"
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2007
  14. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

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  15. AlphaMoth

    AlphaMoth Guest

    calm down^_^

    I bought the programs, does anyone ahve a guide how to use clone well? theres settings I don't understand, like what quality to use
  16. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

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  17. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

  18. AlphaMoth

    AlphaMoth Guest

    Ok...Well the guide says I should use DVD Decrypter, but I don't need that if I am using AnyDVD, right? I should be able to just burn the dvd with AnyDVD running in the background?
  19. AlphaMoth

    AlphaMoth Guest

    Ok guys I got it working, just a little confusing to begin with, yay^^
  20. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

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    teach & learn

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