OK, Who Here Agrees that Backing Up DVDs Has Gotten WAY Out of Control?

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by gogochar, Aug 8, 2006.

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  1. gogochar

    gogochar Guest

    I mean, think about it. I go to work every day and five employees run their own illegal "DVD Burning" business. You know they are getting away with it and you also know that you have the urge to do it too, but you also know it’s wrong. I mean you know DVD burning has gotten way out of hand when 12-year-olds are selling burnt DVDs (some of it being porn) right under your nose!!! The only reason people don't report it is because it's their cheap source of entertainment. And it doesn't stop at DVD burning. It also applies to music CDs illegally downloaded from the Internet, selling burnt copies of PS2 games and selling CDs/DVDs with program cracks and registration codes on them. The Internet is probably the most beautiful invention there is, but when it becomes abused as stated here it can turn into the most illegal of sorts for cheap entertainment. Most people here on this board (like me) are probably honest-paying customers when it comes to buying programs, CDs, and DVDs. The law permits one backup copy of a DVD or CD that we already own. These people at my work don't own these CDs, DVDs, or programs so it isn't within jurisdiction to sell these items. I like to just go out to Best Buy and get a new release every Tuesday and then go home and test out AnyDVD so I can save my masterpiece without worries of getting scratches. Most people on this board fancy this idea too. But downloading torrents, copying Blockbuster (or where ever they get these movies at) rentals, and selling cracks for software that people are too lazy to buy from because they don't want to support the maker of the software is DEAD WRONG!!! And that's all I have to say.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2006
  2. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    As long as dvd's stay as expensive as they generally are, people will continue to copy them illegally.
    Same goes for cd's.
  3. geestar20

    geestar20 Active member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    Your speech just caused me to see the light and from now on I will buy 2 or 3 copies of my favorite dvd instead of creating a backup.

    I will now spend $60 bucks instead of $20...I now see the light!
  4. gogochar

    gogochar Guest

    That's not what I meant geestar20. I simply meant illegally obtaining copyrighted works and distrubuting it for profit is wrong and is getting disturbingly out of hand. Don't you feel a little bit sorry for the music and movie industries? Sure they violated our fair-use rights by encrypting their disc with DRM. But once it was cracked, little 12-year-olds became smart and said "Hey, let's use this opportunity to our advantage. We'll just do it because they won't find out we're selling their property". I don't mean to sound like a elderly gentleman, but what they are doing is wrong and the worse part of the matter is that they do too. But they just don't care. They don't care if the music/movie industries fall, as long as they make their profits, everything's OK. I, personally don't care too much for the industries, but I don't want them to cease because because of these no-life DVD pirates.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2006
  5. geestar20

    geestar20 Active member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    Well...I guess pirates are like Robin Hood.....STEAL FROM THE RICH AND GIVE BACK TO THE, mmmm, middle class, LOL

    This is what gets me all fired up and I scream "TO HELL WITH YOU! Im gonna pirate your SHIT!" I seen this celebrity that had a shirt on that said "I have more MONEY than YOU" Now tell me that wouldn't piss you off? Or another Example: This commercial I seen of a hip hop star getting of a jet to give another rapper a 12 pack of beer. Now that is just boasting of how much money they have and just that gives me more of a reason to not pay for anyhting.

    So feel sorry for them? NO WAY! as they would never feel sorry for me.
  6. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    - whoa, what!?, not unless they bring prices down to reasonable levels (and hell will freeze over first). They share as much contempt from me as fuel companies, it's all greed, greed, greed, it's not even about being competitive anymore; we all know how little it costs to manufacture a DVD movie, but their prices, to quote a bit from your thread title.....
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2006
  7. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yeah if you could buy the new dvds for under 10 bucks maybe people wouldnt copy them. when Tom fu#$ing Cruise is making 30 million a film , iam not really worried about a kid making 5 dollars on a dvd. theres alot more things in this world to worry about than that.
  8. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @aabbccdd...that's certainly true enough. I doubt the kids selling some home made DVDs are going to put the Brad Pitts of this world in the food-stamps line!
  9. tycobb

    tycobb Regular member

    May 20, 2006
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    Nah I don't feel sorry for the music,movie,and game companies.

    Also these homemade bussinesses better be good to make the dvd,case,and layout look authentic.I don't know many that can reproduce it all and still make lot's of money but there probably is a few out there.At any rate that's there loss why should I care?

    Let all there anti-piracy technologies and terror tactics be the answer since there so rich and we'll see who wins.All there tactics have been defeated by anyone smart enough to incorporate them(i.e. peerguardian,proxy,daemon tools,any dvd etc...).
  10. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Hell, if the movie moguls can make a profit at $7.50 a ticket then they can bloody well sell the damn DVDs for $5.00 apiece like the kids on the street. Kids are happy at that price. I might buy twice the movies at that price. I have never seen reported the $ that they make for each movie in DVD sales, only the ticket gate. The quality of movies released this year has been abysmal. They need to redirect their efforts into making quality films and reduce the garbage, and quit bitching about profits, because they're obscene!
  11. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    garmoon , your right the new releases this year have pretty much been crap and they wonder why sales are down. i mean most people cant afford to buy a new release at 20 plus bucks just to watch it one time .if they were under 10 dollars you wouldnt feel so ripped off buying them. same way with the price of CDs the price point is just to high
  12. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    you get it aabbccdd!

    Edit: it might even be that the price of DVDs and CDs is already figured on the lost sales to pirating and copying. And that's why they are so high?
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2006
  13. sandt38

    sandt38 Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    My sister-in-law used to work as the director of marketing for Fisher Price in Buffalo, NY. One of the things they did was distribute the "Dora the Explorer" and other childrens' DVDs. She said the cost of production of each DVD was under $.50 per disc. This includes material, marketing, production, distribution, and other costs. IMO this is simple proof of how badly the entertainment industry is ripping us off. Keep in mind that these discs are not put out in theaters so they don't recieve the initial influx of money that feature films have to pay for production and marketing costs.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2006
  14. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    DVD's are the biggest ripoff of all time. They have been around for years now, yet they still want ridiculous prices for films. Cd's should be GBP2.50, and DVD's a fiver. I think the music and motion picture associations would see many more people opt to purchase, rather than pirate.. but hey, a price drop would mean they lose money.. heaven forbid.

    As for me, nothing beats the buzz of purchasing a new CD from the shops, but I don't buy as much as I used to..
  15. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    [bold]Don't you feel a little bit sorry for the music and movie industries?[/bold]

    being Satan incarnate, i feel no pity, remorse, or sadness. and i love seeing my buddies in power getting screwed over. that's what they get for trying to have more money than the prince of darkness. i mean, i have their souls, already. what do they really think they can get away with?

    i'm off to go create some more porn stars. :)
  16. geestar20

    geestar20 Active member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    porn starsOOHHH OOOHHHHH, sounds like gee stars , hehe

    geestar and pornstar, They might be the same!
  17. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    oh yeah, and she's got lots more she'd like you to see. but i had to convince her that i couldn't post her more...flavorful stuff her. you'd have to talk to her personally for that ;-)
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2006
  18. gogochar

    gogochar Guest

    Ahem. Okay, time to get back on topic. Looks like none of you even gives two s***s about the industries. Only one person on here (so far) sees that selling copyrighted material is wrong. That is ethically sad. I hope that all of those who do try to sell copyrighted works (not that any of you have blantenly said that you do) gets caught. And those who rent and burn should feel ashamed of yourselves. To the rest of you who really don't care what others do as long as you don't do it, I tip my hat to you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2006
  19. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    you're darn right i don't care about the industry. screw'em. i only gave up selling burned dvds because of the suits that were coming down on people. now i resort to winning money off people in 8 ball. it may be wrong, but those are your morals, standards, personal opinions, and semantics, not ours.
  20. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    you're gonna learn a lot of bad stuff about life that's not in your utopian view of it.
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