I have an Old flashed DS, the where the front slot acts as the card reader and all games needs to go through the super card software for them to run on the DS. Q1 Can this firmware be upgraded as a lot of games don't run and all I get is a white screen? Q2 Will the R4/DSTT work on my DS? Thanks Torry
Your question doesn't make 100% sense. Are you sure that your DS has been flashed? Flashing the DS was not required to run a slot-2 passme solution (which is the correct name for the configuration that you're using) Are you patching your ROMs? Slot-2 cards require that the ROM be patched. I am not aware of any reason why an R4 would not work on your DS.
I was told when i got the DS the Passkey flashed the DS and any game i wanted to play had to be passed thru patching software. Like I said a lot of the new games don't play and the R4 looks best but, don't want to spend the money if it isn't going to work Torry
OK, you were told incorrectly. Ther term "flashed" typically means a modification to the firmware of the device (in this case, the DS). Refer to this Wiki if you are interested in exactly how a passme device works. http://wiki.pocketheaven.com/PassMe In answer to the second question, since there have been no "permanent" or semi-permanent" modifications to your DS, any slot 1 cartridge designed for the DS or DS Lite will work.